The Federal Aviation Administration is putting both Pilots AND the General Public at Risk by Forcing Vaccine Mandates!
From Leigh Dundas:

Dec 15, 2021
7:10 PM
Pacific Standard Time
(1) Notice to FAA That Pilots Are Operating Commercial Aircraft in Contravention of Do-Not-Fly Regulations -Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations §61.53 (also known as Federal Aviation Regulation 61.53) and Associated Guidance - Which Disallow Medical Clearance of Pilots Who Have Injected Non- FDA Approved Medical Products, such as COVID-19 Vaccinations;
(2) Notice to FAA That Pilots Have Suffered Death and Serious Injury Post-COVID-Vaccinations;
(3) Notice to FAA that Signors Are Aware That Complaints Were Made to FAA Concerning this Issue;
(4) Notice That Pilots Flying with Abnormal D-Dimer Values, Which Indicate Active Blood Clotting, Are at Elevated Risk for Pulmonary Embolism, Stroke, Arrhythmias, Cardiac Arrest & Death While In-Flight;
(5) Notice That Pilots Flying with Abnormal Troponin Values and/or New ECG Changes/Cardiac MRI Changes - Which Indicate Active Heart Damage and Possible Acute Myocarditis - Are at Elevated Risk for Arrhythmias, Cardiac Arrest, and Death While In-Flight;
(6) Given That Both the FAA & Commercial Airline Industry Appear to Have Violated Long-Standing CFR Regulations Which Disallow Medical Clearance of Pilots Who Have Received Non-FDA Approved Products - Lest "Aeromedically Significant Adverse Effects Manifest" - and Further Given the Wholesale Disregard of Evidence Indicating That Such Aeromedically Significant Effects Are In Fact Currently Occurring In Pilot Populations, Signors Hereto Request that the FAA Immediately Adopt a Proactive Screening Program Requiring All Vaccinated Pilots to Undergo Medical Re-Certification Within Four Weeks of the Date of this Letter to Include D-Dimer, Troponin and ECG Tests, as well as Cardiac MRis, and Medically Clear ONLY Vaccinated Pilots Who Can Show a Clean Bill of Health on ALL Tests;
(7) Notice to the FAA, All Commercial Airline Companies, and All Carriers Insuring Commercial Airlines That a Failure to Immediately Investigate this Issue, Correctly Apply Federal Do-Not-Fly Regulations - and Ground All Vaccinated Pilots Who Cannot Show Clean D-Dimer, Troponin, ECG and Cardiac MRI Tests - Could Lead to a Catastrophic Event Involving Mass Fatalities, Causing At-Fault Parties to Suffer Monetary Liability Potentially Extending to USD Hundreds of Millions.